Poem: Microcosm

A world in a drop of rain
A microcosm in a pebble
hold it in your palm
it seems tiny, insignificant
perhaps it is a dull colored rock
one that lines every seashore
and riverbed all over the land.

The depths of a baby's eyes
as they behold a brand new world
see the wonder that is, and once was
and what is to come.
Unspoiled by the cynicism
that arrives as the years
take their toll.

A sparkle of sunlight
that breaks onto the water
fleeting and floating
here for one moment in time
before the clouds roll in
and dim that brightness
until it is gone.

Sometimes the simple pleasures
make absolutely no sense
to the learned mind
and the weary jaded wanderer
but remember that
it all depends on
your point of view.


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