Poem: A Fickle Audience

You never know
what will resonate
with the crowd.

A five minute sketch
or witty little ditty
just a minor thought.

Suddenly it's there
being talked of, being shared
and you are surprised.

A portrait, a carefully crafted piece
taking hours, days to complete
garners no interest at all.

Do you pander to the wave
of what will get you seen
what is the rage of the moment?

What matters more,
the numbers, the accolades
or what your heart tells you?

Do you go one way or the other
or do you strike a balance
between the popular and the sublime?

If the mood is cynical and bitter
do you change to match it?
Or do you seek joy in the little things?

The moment you decide
to live for yourself
they may forget who you are.

Is that worth the pain
or is the quiet
too much for a restless soul?


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