Poem: Keeper of the Estate (Story in Eight Stanzas, Tanka Style)


Reading of the will:
they are all perched on their seats
to hear what they get
what has been bequeathed to them
all the scheming is for this.


A taste of power
not content with just a bite
they want more and more
until the entire pie
is all theirs to swallow whole.


The lawyer looks up
meets their eyes unflinchingly
hides a little smile
She had warned him about this
Revenge from beyond the grave.


He speaks pleasantries
and betrays no emotions
because it's his job.
Even as a sense of pride
wells up from within his breast.


There's shock and dismay
crossing all of their faces
They can't believe it
The very nerve of her
denying what they deserve.


Of course they protest
vowing to contest the will
swearing up and down
fighting what they think is theirs
and accusing each other.


Problems with power:
any hint of betrayal
root it out right now
Extirpate it completely
only then can you be safe.


He sits back to watch
this story replays itself
and he's seen this all before
A small pity that she's not here
to see the chaos she's wrought.


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