Poem: The Madman's Library (Tanka in 6 Stanzas)


Volumes line the shelves
as far as the eye can see
above and below
a silent testament to
the wisdom of the ages.

You hear the voices
begging, pleading, cajoling
"I need to be read.
Take me from my prison and
delve into another world."

Oh, so seductive!
After all, what harm is there
Just one little peek
The world will still be the same
And nothing will ever change.

Your hand reaches for
the nearest colorful one
siren song gleeful
its warmth wraps around you like
a soft familiar blanket

The melody grows
as the poison pours into
your mind, heart and soul
Why does no one know of this?
This knowledge can help so much!

The books applaud as
you read them one by one and
you are now quite lost.
The ages quickly pass but
no one ever misses you.


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