Poem: 1789

The axe came down

with the roar of thunder
Then falling
Vision broken apart
Light shattered
landing in the dark
with an omnious thump
in silence.

Join your comrades
a mass of souls
by the promises of a new sun
to break over the land.
No more pain
forever peace
prosperity and harmony.

Silent witness
as history turns.
Burning summer turns
to bitter fall.
Dead leaves turn
to cruel winter cold.
Suffering goes on.

Where was the promise?
The lofty words spoken
by those who sway
with poisoned words
and heavenly ideals?
Ideas soaked in blood.

The victors become the tyrants
turning against each other
tearing themselves apart
like wolves with no prey
to distract them.

Heroes are cast down
Villains are raised up.
Which one was I?
I can't remember.

Memory is fading
In one fleeting moment
Heartbeat stutters.

Thoughts vanish like mist
I give myself to history.

The axe came down.


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