Poem: A Turkey named Frye (Story in Five Limerick Stanzas)

There once was a turkey named Frye
who shouted "I don't want to die
as somebody's dinner!"
But the odds became thinner
as September, October went by.

And so our hero named Frye
decided he wanted to fly.
So he boarded a plane
instead of the train
his ordained fate to defy.

He crisscrossed the world many times
He took a boat up the Rhine
went to France and Peru
and then Timbuktu
crossed the International Date Line.

The dreaded day came and went
He went to the post and sent
a single postcard
in words written large

He forgot a simple fact
that holidays were still intact
and so he was able
to grace the Christmas table
in a way he could never come back.


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