Poem: Morality and Ethics (A Primer)

 Lawful Good:
"Cool motive, still murder."
Neutral Good:
"It's murder,
but he was a bad person."
Chaotic Good:
"He was a bad person,
why is murder a bad thing
if it's morally right?"
The champion of ethics.

Lawful Neutral:
"Murder is against the rules.
I don't care what your reasoning."
True Neutral:
"I don't really care,
keep me out of it."
Chaotic Neutral:
"I should be free to do what I want,
including murder."
Middle ground of self serving.

Lawful Evil:
"As long as it's within
our law and order,
murder can be justified."
Neutral Evil:
"I can sell you information
for the next murder, pay my price."
Chaotic Evil:
"I murder to watch the world burn."
The dark side of 'freedom'.


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