Poem: Mansplaining 101

Nothing to it
but to do it
Talk is cheap
action is what shows
your true intentions.
You can explain
every step of the process
in great detail
it doesn't count
if you just sit on your arse.

Please don't lecture me
as if I'm five
and I'm so naive
I cannot comprehend
what is before me
without your bounteous wisdom!
I am not blind
I am not deaf
Don't treat me
as if I'm an idiot.

You want to make yourself clear
not to be misunderstood
by rambling on every detail
But have you stopped to consider
how the other person feels?
Of course not
you accuse others of insensitivity
yet you do not
take my feelings under account.
It does not apply to you.

So don't be surprised
if I just nod
and smile
and listen with only
half an brain
I may be a captive audience
but don't count
on me
respecting what you say
when you insult my intelligence.


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