Prompt: "Poetry Roots itself in the Dreamer" (from Judy Michaels)

Prompt: "Poetry roots itself in the dreamer" (quote from Judy Michaels, prompt from The Writer's Retreat Kit by Judy Reeves)

Poetry roots itself in the dreamer
Words bubble to the top
like a glass of lazy
seltzer water.
The bubbles burst
and release their voice
quiet and brief.
You have to listen carefully
catch it in the right moment
then write it for posterity.
Sometimes it doesn't show itself
in the bright sun of the day..
It sneaks around at the dead of night
when your eyes are closed
and your consciousness travels
to other inner worlds.
That's where it takes hold.
The river of words which
arrives, then stays there
waiting to be discovered
hidden until the right time
the right place
for it to crash forth
to be heard.


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