Prompt: Comfort Me with Apples (The Song of Solomon, 2:5)

(Prompt: "Comfort Me with Apples", quote from The Song of Solomon, 2:5, King James Version, prompt from The Writer's Retreat Kit by Judy Reeves)

Comfort me with apples
the smell of freshly baked pie
wafting through the kitchen window
on the first days of autumn.

The feeling of home
of the love of family
and of friends
brought together under a banner of falling leaves.

Apple tarts picked ripe from the tree
from branch to oven in a moment
Dough rolled out by a loving hand
sprinkled with spices.

Tempt me with the sweetness
fork with every bite
rich and full with the hint
of tartness beneath.

The laughter of my brethren
echoes across the mountains and hills
seeing the young and the old together
I am content.


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