
Poem: It's not Insignificant

A third of an inch not all that much but they have never seen snow before We tend to dismiss such little amounts of precipitation not enough to bother us. But they pile out and sift it in their hands get enough to throw it among loud laughter. It's enough to make you pause and remember the memory of a first sight of snow and how magical a moment it is. So I watch out of my office window and smile at their happiness the children have this forever to cherish in their hearts.

Poem: The Muse Has to Speak

Worlds drift in the depths of a chaotic cup of coffee Somehow given life through the magic of a keyboard It bursts onto the page erupts into notes with unstoppable force. It cannot be contained as it swells with a voice needing to be heard. What kind of sorrow wrapped in beats of joy will reveal itself this time? The only way to find out is to let the voices speak from the depths within.

Poem: Your Unique Journey

The inspiration for this tanka set is a blueskyrelay prompt on Bluesky. "Root" I. The root of all happiness It comes from within for if you are not happy then no one else can follow they can all see your light. II. The courage it takes to forge your own unique path you must be so strong even if others can't see and try not to understand. III. It can be lonely you realize who does care no matter how hard the road can be or how dark the skies above can become. IV. At the end you ask whether it was all worth it only you can know if being true to yourself is worth the light and shadow .

Poem: The Wood Snake

Already preparing for the year of the Wood Snake the Dragon will go back to slumber until it is called again. Snake is cool and cautious a detached observer analytical not swayed by fancy words or pretty baubles. But they are sensitive intelligent keen of delving into the mysteries of life artistic, creative. Be wary of the Snake but do not be afraid. Respect their space admire their patience they will be your friend.

Poem: No Snow Day, Sorry

Hopes dashed for a snow day today the skies are still grey the ground soaking wet but the temperatures are too warm for snow A disappointment to extend the winter break just a day or two. The kids sigh and roll their eyes the parents breathe a sigh of relief though the weatherman warns that the thermometer will dip tomorrow.

Poem: Happy Birthday to my Daughter, Christina

It's been nineteen years Since your smile graced the world. Every day I watch you give me that same smile your eyes light up with the innocence of life. And I want to protect you from it's hardships and cruelty. I worry about your future but I take every day one step at a time You're here for a purpose even if you are blissfully unaware of whatever it is. You curl up with your new pillow and plushies and hum your favorite tunes and all is right with the world.

Poem: The Five Senses

Tastes familiar and yet new broken down in so many ways recombined into a flavor to please the tongue. Melodies old as time reworked into a new tapestry harmonies never before heard the ears ring with joy. Visions arranged in pieces then made whole again Blazing colors toned down Shadows made stronger by years. Velvet clings to every curve silk hangs in billowy waves Run your fingertips on ragged edges Stitches make them smooth. Notes of orange and lemon or of red rose and bergamot Fresh mountain air and sea salt Evokes memories from the smell. So many avenues of life every day, every hour the brain dulls itself for sanity but only if we can experience it all!